Bob Maxey Ford (Detroit)

Oct 21, 2022
brake service detroit, mi

Good brakes allow you to drive safely, while bad brakes could lead to an accident. You depend on your brakes to enable you to stop whenever your need to. In time, you may need a brake repair. As your Ford dealer, we’d like to tell you some signs that you need to see us ASAP for repair.

Worn Parts

The braking system is a mechanical one, and it’s composed of numerous parts. Your brakes must be checked regularly according to your Ford’s service schedule to keep the system working efficiently. Parts can jam, wear out, or break, and they need replacement. If any part of the braking system is worn or damaged, your braking system won’t work correctly.

A brake caliper, for example, can jam. Hydraulic pressure from the brake fluid forces the pins out of each caliper. This action causes the calipers to close on the wheel rotors and stop them from moving. A jammed caliper pin will prevent the caliper from engaging and closing. This prevents the caliper from stopping its rotor. Our highly-trained technicians will examine your system and replace any worn parts.

Leaking Brake Fluid

A brake fluid leak compromises your braking system. Your brakes depend on this fluid, as it exerts the hydraulic pressure needed for the system to work effectively. Brake fluid can leak from a variety of places, including brake hoses, brake lines, and the brake fluid reservoir. A braking system is pressurized, and a leak will also reduce the pressure in the system.

As your braking system loses fluid and pressure, braking will become more challenging. When you step on the brakes, you’ll feel a lack of resistance. This lack of resistance is caused by low pressure and fluid. Your brakes will take longer to engage, which could result in an accident. Our technicians are experts at tracing and repairing leaks, and we’ll find and fix the problem.

Failed Brake Booster

As we’ve seen, your braking system is pressurized. High pressure is essential, as your brakes have to stop the weight of your car when it’s moving at speed. Normal strength isn’t enough to overcome the pressure in the barking system. This is where the brake booster comes in.

The brake booster provides 10x the pressure you exert on the pedal to force the braking system to engage. The booster uses a vacuum system to generate this level of pressure. If the vacuum in the booster is damaged, it can’t exert the required pressure, and your brakes won’t work.

If your brakes aren’t working as well as they should, call us right away at Bob Maxey Ford.

Image by S. Hermann / F. Richter from Pixabay