Bob Maxey Ford (Detroit)

May 27, 2022
Ford Racing Engine

Engine problems are one of the issues that every driver dreads thinking about. These types of problems are associated with great expense and time without your car while it’s being repaired. However, problems with your engine don’t have to be serious or expensive. The earlier that you visit your Ford dealership if you experience an issue, the cheaper and quicker they are to fix.

Spark Plugs

Combustion requires fuel and air in the right proportions and a spark to light it. Your spark plugs provide the spark to ignite combustion. This simple chemical process allows your car to move. Without spark plugs, combustion is impossible. The plugs can wear out or get damaged, and this will cause a range of problems, including misfiring and strange engine noises.

Your spark plugs can even be damaged by the failure of other components in your engine. A blocked air filter, for example, will reduce the amount of clean air in your engine. The fuel-air mix will be too fuel-rich if your engine doesn’t have enough air. This excess fuel will make combustion more difficult and produce carbon that will coat the plugs and damage them. Our technicians can easily replace your plugs for you.

Damaged Radiator

Your radiator is an essential part of your car’s cooling system. The heat from the engine is carried by liquid coolant into the radiator. This hot coolant is pumped through parallel rows of thin tubes, and airflow across the tubes reduces the coolant temperature. If your radiator isn’t working correctly, the heat from the coolant won’t be removed, and your engine will start to overheat.

Radiators are made out of aluminum and plastic to reduce the weight in the front of your car. In time, your radiator can suffer damage. Aluminum tubes, for example, can be bent and plastic can crack. These, and other possible issues, can block or damage your radiator. To prevent your car from overheating, it’s important to have your radiator examined ASAP. Depending on the problem, we can repair or replace your radiator.

Colored Smoke

Normal exhaust from your engine looks thin and white. If however, you see that your exhaust is producing blue, black, or milky white smoke, these are all signs of problems with your engine. Blue smoke means that oil is leaking into your exhaust system and burning up. This could be caused by a blown head gasket or damage to the piston rings.

Black smoke means that your engine is burning too much fuel. The usual cause of this is a clogged air filter that alters the fuel-air ratio for combustion. Your engine is expelling the fuel that cant be burnt together with burnt fuel. Finally, milky white exhaust smoke is a sign that your engine is burning water together with fuel. Our technicians can solve these problems for you.

If you are experiencing problems with your engine, call us right away at Bob Maxey Ford – Detroit. Our expert technicians will repair these and any other problems for you.

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay